Arun Joseph Varghese

Posted by Arun Joseph Varghese

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The Insta HMS single screen philosophy – A core principle that has fuelled wide-spread EMR adoption.

Arun Joseph VargheseArun Joseph Varghese on November 3, 2014

Insta HMS is now being used by over 350 healthcare providers in over 10 countries across segments such as clinic, home-care givers, labs, pharmacies and tertiary care hospitals. One of the reasons that have fuelled large scale Insta HMS adoption has..

What’s in it for me as a customer in the Agile Software methodology?

Arun Joseph VargheseArun Joseph Varghese on September 23, 2014

The Agile Software methodology is an iterative software development process that many product and service oriented companies take to achieve a faster turn-around and incorporate customer feedback at early stages of development. In the traditional..

Top Reasons to consider upgrading your HMS/EMR?

Arun Joseph VargheseArun Joseph Varghese on September 23, 2014

This article summarizes some of the top reasons that lead to Organizations adopting new HMS/EMR applications. More often than not due diligence is done by the management and the IT department and often the below points are considered:

Hospital Management Software (HMS) – the ERP for Healthcare Providers.

Arun Joseph VargheseArun Joseph Varghese on July 19, 2014

An ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) is a business process management software that allows an organization to use a system of integrated applications to manage the business and automate Back-Office functions. A generic ERP Software integrates all..

Top Reasons for Health IT Implementation Failures

Arun Joseph VargheseArun Joseph Varghese on May 14, 2014

Generically, IT implementations across verticals have a failure rate of 35%. This article explores a few amongst a plethora of reasons as to why health IT projects have a high failure rate and is an attempt to learn as to how to mitigate them.

Payers drive the Healthcare Providers!

Arun Joseph VargheseArun Joseph Varghese on April 18, 2014

Those who foot the bill define the rules of the game and the payers seem to be doing exactly that in the world of healthcare, pushing the providers to be accountable for their quality and effectiveness in their treatment of patients. It’s not..

The IT Adoption strategy - that Healthcare Providers need to adopt to stay ahead of competition!

Arun Joseph VargheseArun Joseph Varghese on February 25, 2014

When the Banking sector is moving into Big Data and Analytics to perform analysis on customer segmentation, risk management and drilled down detailed product portfolio trends the hospital/healthcare segment is still debating the adoption of IT.

Defining the EMR and the benefits of implementing an effective EMR Solution for your Organization/Practice

Arun Joseph VargheseArun Joseph Varghese on February 12, 2014

There has been a lot of buzz in the US Healthcare Information Technology context, about the implementation of the EMR/EHR within a healthcare organization. In fact achieving stage 1 of meaningful use of the EHR will make you eligible to receive..

Compelling Reasons to consider using Cloud Based EMR/Hospital Management Solutions

Arun Joseph VargheseArun Joseph Varghese on January 13, 2014

There are several Cloud Based Hospital Management/EMR applications available in the market catering to the Healthcare Provider segment. This article is an attempt to arrive at a check-list of points to watch out for, which will eventually help you..

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